Advertise with us

With many years of experience in the PC components niche we have accrued a fair amount of experience serving amazing and engaging content to our audience and likewise delivering advertising pieces on behalf of our clients to accomplish their promotional and marketing efforts on our ad spaces available throughout our pages.

Furthermore, we have ad spaces available on our site, and those can be used to promote your business or service. We offer different alternatives, from ad targeting, location, ad type to campaign modes, we can accommodate your banner according to your needs and budget.

Ad locations

There are different locations for your banner. Depending on the area the sit, we can divide them as:

  • Top page banners: This banners are located horizontally, right below the menu bar and on top of the content container.
  • Sidebar banners: This banners are located in the right sidebar column, normally square or vertical in. proportions. At the same time, they can be placed on top, middle and bottom of the bar.
  • In-content banner: A banner proportioned horizontally, square or vertically which can be placed inside the articles’ body. Also, the more close to the top it gets, the more visibility and effectiveness it will have. Lower in-content banners are more affordable though.
  • Bottom page banners: As the name implies, this banner sits after the content area and before the footer. This location is great for big horizontal banners and tight budgets.


You have also the option to pick what countries you wish to target, depending on the needs of your campaign. This is a great option for maximizing the impact of your strategy.

Additionally, among the alternatives available, we can deliver your banner ads depending on the device. You can create campaigns solely for desktop users, or combine two or three.

Campaign modes

Depending on how often you wish to show your banners we offer the Sponsored mode, which will show 100% of the time on the ad location, always available. If you want to optimize the appearance of your ad and wish to join the ad pool system you can opt in for the Standard mode, you can select your CPM and maximum amount of impressions you want to obtain for your banner.

Ad sizes

Top and bottom page banners

  • Billboard – 970×250 px
  • Large leader – 970×90 px
  • Leader – 728×90 px
  • Banner – 468×60 px
  • Half banner – 234×60 px
  • Horizontal large – 728 x 15 px
  • Mobile leader – 320×50 px
  • Large mobile leader – 320×100

Sidebar banner

  • Square – 250×250 px
  • Medium rectangle – 300×250 px
  • Button – 125×125 px
  • Small rectangle – 180×150 px
  • Small square – 200×200 px
  • Half banner – 234×60 px
  • Vertical extra large – 180×150 px
  • Vertical medium – 160×90 px
  • Mobile leader – 320×50 px
  • Large mobile leader – 320×100 px

In-content banner

  • Medium rectangle – 300×250 px
  • Large rectangle – 336×280 px
  • Button – 125×125 px
  • Small rectangle – 180×150 px
  • Vertical banner – 120×240 px
  • Small square – 200×200 px
  • Leader – 728×90 px
  • Banner – 468×60 px
  • Half banner – 234×60 px
  • Horizontal large – 728×15 px
  • Vertical extra large – 180×150 px
  • Vertical medium – 160×90 px
  • Mobile leader – 320x50px
  • Large mobile leader – 320×100 px

Start your ad campaign

Beside these options, we have other targeting and campaign modes available. Please reach out using our contact page and include your all the information and directives of your ad campaign. We will get back to you as soon as possible with the best plan tailored to your needs.